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Visitors FAQS

Can I buy the ticket fiscally?

✔️ Yes, you can go to Casa Castellarnau ( C/ dels Cavallers, 14) and choose the date and hour that you want.

Do I have to go before the time of the projection to the Volta del Pallol?

? We recommend you to go there 10 minutes before to be able to validate the tickets and start the video mapping at time.

How long is the video mapping?

? The video mapping is 13 minutes. After the projection you have 7 minutes to visit the mockup.

Do children under 12 have to reserve?

✔️ Yes, but they have a free ticket.

I buy more than 1 ticket and I only have 1 QR code, is it correct?

✔️ Yes, it’s correct. The reservation is registered in one QR. With this QR all the people that appear in the same reservation will be able to access.

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Casa Castellarnau – C. dels Cavallers, 14
43003, Tarragona
Phone: 977242220